FERN: The Story of Two Branches: Unionid Freshwater Mussels
An important member of the invertebrate community - Unionid freshwater mussels - are often excluded in regular monitoring. Undergraduate thesis researchers Dante Bresolin (2021) and Nolan Lachance (2023) embarked on a mission to investigate the relationships between mussel communities of the Sydenham River.

Art as a tool for ecological restoration
The art gallery isn’t where you’d expect to find an ecologist, but that’s where our very own Dante Bresolin spent three months doing a residency. Using art workshops, a guided art hike & a solo exhibition, Dante got people thinking about their relationship with land. Check out our blog for more.

HHL is Headed to JASM 2022!
The Healthy Headwaters Lab is headed to JASM 2022! Check out all our sessions and posters.

Pride in STEM
Pride honours the LGBTQ2I+ community, who has made great contributions to science and society as a whole.

A Leaf Becomes a Bird
How a leaf becomes a bird is an illustrative series by Dante Bresolin that highlights the importance of forested streams for supporting several species at risk in Ontario.

Why are EPT taxa so important?
When it comes to biomonitoring, there are three orders of insects that are especially useful – Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera, or EPT.

Undergrads Start Research

One of the most useful tools in Stream Ecology
In the Healthy Headwaters Lab, we study freshwater ecosystems with the goals of restoration and rehabilitation in mind. One of the most valuable and widely used methods to study streams is biomonitoring using benthic invertebrates.