What allyship looks like in action
In our very first(!) podcast experience, we discuss the lab’s “radical approach” to building a research team, and how our core values transform into actions through funding opportunities and trust-based partnerships with Indigenous communities in the Great Lakes.
The Five Freshwater Seas
The Healthy Headwaters Lab team members are from waters around that world that have come together and now call the Great Lakes home.
Indigenous Day 2020 Giveaway Winner Announced
June was National Indigenous Month in Canada and we celebrated with a giveaway! View the winning post here.
Introducing the HHL Indigenous Allyship Newsletter!
What does supporting indigenous self-determination look like in a freshwater restoration research program and beyond?
The Healthy Headwaters Lab hosts its first Indigenous Allyship open house at Ojibway Nature Centre
HHL and the Indigenous Allyship Program host a day of sharing and community building at the City of Windsor’s Ojibway Nature Centre.