Indigenous Day 2020 Giveaway Winner Announced

June was National Indigenous Month in Canada and we celebrated with a giveaway! As Indigenous people, we recognize that nibi (water) is life. Water flows in and out of us, and our connection with water is sacred. We wanted to celebrate water and so we asked:

What does nibi (water) mean to you?

Chi-miigwech to all those who entered on our facebook and instagram pages! We enjoyed reading the stories that were shared, honouring our connection to water and spreading gratitude.


Congratulations to our winner: Kat Whaley!!

Kat has won a new pair of Outbound binoculars and a custom pottery HHL mug. In the photo below you can read her reflection on water and the winning entry!

Shayenna Nolan

Shayenna is the Director of Communications for the Healthy Headwaters Lab as well as a PhD student. She is currently researching carbon and microbes in settler and Indigenous landscapes across the Great Lakes Basin.


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