Scientific conferences go virtual

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What does science look like in a COVID-19 world? Collaboration and research meetings are both a big part of the scientific research process and the partnership driven research the Healthy Headwaters Lab does. Originally, the HHL team was excited to go to Winnipeg and meet other researchers working in the Great Lakes at the International Association for Great Lakes Research 2020 meeting. Given that holding a large in-person event isn't possible for now, the conference is going virtual this week with pre-recorded talks as well as live plenary talks and discussions. This will cover topics from fisheries research to contaminates and management. 

We are using this chance to share our own work in many different ways this week as part of IAGLR2020 Virtual. We’ve organized a special session #32 - Traditional Ecological Knowledge in teaching and research in the Great Lakes Basin which features talks from our lab PI Catherine (Co-production as a critical tool in community-based Great Lakes research), and our research partnership coordinator Katrina (TEK & the Environment - a Field Methods Immersion at Bkejwanong) with co-authors Candy Donaldson & Indigenous Scholar, Clint Jacobs. Roland, one of our MSc students has also submitted a presentation on our species at risk work on freshwater mussels (Session #37, Freshwater mussel restoration tools & actions: a global synthesis). Jess Ives, our HHL Research Facilitator, is co-organizing Session 24 on the state of global great lakes, which will take attendees on a tour around the world’s lakes, spanning across East Africa, through China, New Zealand, Italy, and Russia.  

You can interact with us in the accompanying discussion panels as well! Join us on Thursday at 2pm for the TEK session & Thursday at 1pm for the large lakes of the world session. 


(Click on each photo above to view the corresponding HHL talks)


We are also very much engaged in the important discussion and actions around JEDI – Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the IAGLR community and beyond. There is a special discussion taking place on Wednesday at 2pm and everyone is encouraged to attend.


If you're interested to know more, details about the virtual IAGLR conference are available on The live events are happening from June 9-11, while recorded talks will be available until July 5th. We're also always happy to discuss our work, so please get in touch if you're interested in finding out more.

Shayenna Nolan

Shayenna is the Director of Communications for the Healthy Headwaters Lab as well as a PhD student. She is currently researching carbon and microbes in settler and Indigenous landscapes across the Great Lakes Basin.


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