Meet ERCA 2020 Youth Conservation Award recipient Emily Browne!

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ERCA named HHL undergraduate thesis student Emily Browne the recipient of the 2020 Youth Conservation Award on Thursday! She has worked with ERCA as a youth ambassador and member of the How-To-Crew, doing community restoration projects across Essex County. As an outreach assistant intern, she has also coordinated several events with ERCA and the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup

For her thesis project, Emily is evaluating a wetland restoration project on the Marianne Girling Nature Reserve in partnership with Nature Conservancy Canada.  

“Winning an award with ERCA is an honour and demonstrates that I am making a difference in conservation and science,” says Browne. “They have given me so many amazing opportunities to learn and get involved with community-based conservation projects — which has played a significant role in my love and passion for the environment and our local ecosystems.” 

Congratulations Emily, your success is well deserved.

Shayenna Nolan

Shayenna is the Director of Communications for the Healthy Headwaters Lab as well as a PhD student. She is currently researching carbon and microbes in settler and Indigenous landscapes across the Great Lakes Basin.


Taking the lead as an early career researcher


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