Cultivating Connections at EFAO 2023 

Excitement is in the air as we gear up for the upcoming Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO) 2023!  We are dedicated to connecting our team’s science to connect with and inform sustainable agricultural practices and innovation in farming practices. This week we are eager to connect with like-minded individuals, particularly those at the center of our agricultural ecosystem: farmers. 

Connecting with community and cultivating connections is essential to our science. HHL has centered local farming perspectives through our Farm Advisory Board (FAB) and broader Farm + Freshwater Ecology Research Network (FERN) as we believe that conversations lead to impactful collaborations, which we have formalized into HHL’s knowledge co-production process. That's why we are extending a warm invitation to all those attending EFAO 2023 to come join us at our booth and connect! We are committed to creating a space where we can share ideas, experiences, and connections. 


Unlock Opportunities: Talk with Our Scientists 

Our team of freshwater scientists – Jess Robson, Fani Tsaroucha and Ryan Graham - will be present at the conference, ready to engage in discussions about our latest research and connect to hear about research needs from the sustainable farming community.  


Networking Extravaganza 

We are building a hub for networking, bringing together farmers, industry experts, and enthusiasts. Share your experiences, learn from others, and forge connections. Sign up to receive event information and research updates through FERN (Farm & Freshwater Ecology Research Network)! 


Join Our Farmer Advisory Board! 

We believe in collaborative decision-making, and who better to shape the future of our initiatives than the very individuals we aim to serve? We are inviting farmers to join our advisory board, where your firsthand experiences and insights will play a crucial role in guiding our research projects and ensuring they meet the real needs of the agricultural community. 


Let's Grow Together 

Let’s build a community of individuals passionate about sustainable agriculture. Visit us at the trade show at EFAO 2023!  


Ecological Research “In a Good Way”


Ecosystem Approach Testimonies: John Hartig