Ecosystem Approach Virtual Webinar

Save the date!

HHL is organizing a virtual Ecosystem Approach webinar, on the 8th of December, 11:00 am.

The past year HHL has been taking its Ecosystem Approach workshops and discussions on the road, on a quest for solutions on “How to re-energize the Ecosystem Approach in the 21st Century“. The ECAP team has travelled across cities, states and countries and together with many invaluable partners has had the privilege to meet with a variety of professionals and practitioners as well as aspiring EA practitioners.

If you haven’t had the chance to take part in any of our Ecosystem Approach workshops, there will be a chance to do so virtually THIS December! Join us! 


Participate in policy-forming discussions about how to improve the Ecosystem Approach by registering for our online webinar, here: 

Stay tuned for more featured bios and stories from our adventures! 


For more information on our “Ecosystem Approach on the road” journey, follow us on our social media, or follow #EcosystemApproach  


To share your thoughts about ecosystem approach you can fill in our feedback survey, here: 


Ecosystem Approach workshops “on the road" – November edition


Ecosystem Approach workshops “on the road” - October edition