Behind the Scenes: Agricultural Research

We’ve created this short video to take you behind the scenes of some of our agricultural fieldwork this summer as we (mostly Emily Browne) manually drilled over 100 boreholes in farms across Essex County.  Digging down to a depth of 60cm and taking soil samples every 15cm, we wanted to take a peek at the soil under commonly grown crops and see if different types of farming practices are making an impact on soil health in the region. 


🌱Healthy Land = 💧Healthy Water   
Project Lead: MSc student Lauren Weller

Shayenna Nolan

Shayenna is the Director of Communications for the Healthy Headwaters Lab as well as a PhD student. She is currently researching carbon and microbes in settler and Indigenous landscapes across the Great Lakes Basin.


What allyship looks like in action


I am one with everything