Fani Tsaroucha, MSc

Research Associate on the Ecosystem Approach Project


Fani is the Project and Research Associate of the lab’s Ecosystem Approach Projects. Together with her peer members of the Ecosystem Approach team, she is synthesizing historical information around the evolution of the term Ecosystem Approach and its practical implementation in policies, conservation, science, and management. The focus of her research brings the global angle of existing Ecosystem Approach frameworks and will attempt to shed light on key areas for meaningful improvements.

Fani holds an MSc in Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management and a minor MSc in Water Quality and Aquatic Ecology from Wageningen University. She has 4 years of experience in managing grassroots projects that had the objective to amplify youth voices in decision-making in global cooperation spaces, as well as regionally (in the EU), and locally (in Greece). She has designed and organized numerous multi-stakeholder workshops, and conferences, including two hybrid annual events and a Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) in collaboration with the British Embassy in Athens and the Youth Constituency to UNFCCC (YOUNGO).

Fani is a young white woman that was fortunate to be granted access to an abundance of social advantages and privileges. She acknowledges her positionality in recognition of the intersectional dynamics in the space she is working in.