Lauren Damphousse

PhD Student


Lauren completed an undergraduate degree in Biology at the University of Windsor in 2020 and is now working towards her PhD in Biology as a member of the Healthy Headwaters Lab, following a transfer from her MSc in February 2023. Lauren’s work focuses on freshwater mussel species at risk translocations as a form of mitigation, with a focus on southwestern Ontario. She is investigating the effects of translocations on the larger aquatic community as well as on the individual species at risk mussels translocations are performed to protect, then take that knowledge to improve the procedures currently in place. Lauren has extensive experience in benthic macroinvertebrate sampling and identification, and has also assisted in research concerning agricultural drain management, and stream health in urban and agricultural landscapes. During her time as a PhD student, Lauren will also be completing a joint internship with Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Natural Resource Solutions Incorporated.