Holistic. Strategic. Partnership.

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You are still able to view all of the Healthy Headwaters Lab’s work and publications as we undergo a style re-construction.

We use science to connect land, water, and people.

To address challenges facing freshwater around the world, we draw on robust data synthesis, empirical place-based studies, and translation ecology. Our close work with communities and decision-makers helps to drive truly impactful science.

We are committed to inclusion, diversity, kindness, and curiosity as part of our commitment to science excellence and impact.

— Dr. Catherine Febria’s Research Team & Lab Group

DONATE to the Indigenous Guardians Endowment Fund

Our Work



Our lab conducts research in Canada, USA, and New Zealand on headwater ecosystems — drains, wetlands, streams, and the interfaces between surface and groundwater — which are under-explored. Restoration actions often seek to mimic their attributes to restore functions across a landscape.


Lab Facility & Services

Dr. Febria is Co-Director of the refreshed Organic Analysis and Nutrient Research Facility at GLIER, which enables water quality, biodiversity, and ecosystem health research. We offer high-quality, certified analytical services to support the work of our collaborators, students, government, industry, and community groups across the Great Lakes basin.



The field course “Traditional Ecological Knowledge and the Environment”, co-developed with Walpole Island First Nation, offers students a chance to work with Indigenous instructors and gain new perspectives. Dr. Febria also teaches the Limnology and Stream Ecology courses at the University of Windsor.


Our Community


Local Farmers

The Healthy Headwaters Lab is committed to ensuring our science is rooted in the needs of the local community. To do so, we have spent time getting to know the landowners and stakeholders in the region, and in the context of our agricultural work we have built these connections into a Farmer Advisory Network.


Indigenous Knowledge Circle

The Indigenous Knowledge Circle seeks to grow new networks and fund more projects. We aim to weave together our experiences, skill sets, networks and resources to address common sustainability challenges through community-based solutions. The IKC also seeks to build capacity in the next generation of Indigenous scientists.


Science Communication

Every one of us can make a difference when it comes to freshwater restoration and sustainability. We constantly engage with our communities and try to make science accessible to all with the help of the environmental artists on our team. You can read our latest blog posts and communication pieces here.

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